henever a man desires anything inordinately, he is immediately disquieted within himself. The proud and covetous are never at rest. “The meek... will enjoy great peace”.†  The man that is not yet perfectly dead to himself is quickly tempted; and he is overcome in small and trifling things. The weak in spirit, and he who is in a manner carnal and prone to things of sense can hardly withdraw himself altogether from earthly desires. Therefore he has often sadness, when he withdraws himself from them; and easily falls into indignation if anyone resists him. And if he has attained that which he lusts after, he is then burdened with remorse of conscience that he followed his own passion, which helps nothing in obtaining the peace he sought for.
True peace of heart therefore is found by resisting our passions, not by obeying them. There is then no peace in the heart of a carnal man, nor in him who is given up to outward things, but in the fervent and spiritual man. •